I just read an article on learning Japanese and Pimsleur Japanese. Kind of appreciation for Pimsleur Japanese. In fact the course is overall quite good and I could have recommend it, had it been a bit cheaper. My only issue was the price tag. If you can get it from someone or find it at some discount store then you can get this to enrich your library. But, for its marked price, I could have bought Rocket Japanese as well as went in for few Japanese lessons at that price tag. You can try pimsleur if you want, however my recommendation is Rocket Japanese.
Moreover, I feel that Pimsleur course is now outdated. It does not has the kind of feel that Rocket French gives. There is nothing in name of interactivity. You got to listen to the tapes and learn it. Similarly it does not builds upon your verbal recognition skills. If you have not learnt any second language before you will find it quite hard to learn with audio tapes.
The biggest issues that you face with these kind of audio tapes is that you don't have much control.
E.g. if you are trying to learn how to speak - "How are you?" in Japanese.
In Japanese this is written as - 御元気ですか? ( I know at first look it looks scary to someone who is just planning to learn Japanese.)
With an audio tape you can listen to this once, if you get it its ok (pretty tough) else you will have to go roll back the audio to listen to it again. Now if you are doing it while driving a car, it is not that easy. This is where a modern day package like Rocket French succeeds, you get software for all this. You get software that teaches you how to speak, and you can do it at your pace. So if you don't get it the first time, you simply click the button again to listen to it again.
Same thing goes with verbal recognition skills. There are a lot of things that are local to Japan. You don't have their reference in English. You will find it very hard to actually imagine what they are. With rocket Japanese you get to see what the object is and then learn about it.
There is actually a lot more to Rocket Japanese. You can read the review on Rocket Japanese out here to get complete grasp on why it scores over all other courses including Pimsleur. I think its only for the orthodox kind, who make their mind without proper research. You should definitely check Rocket Japanese website before you opt for Pimsleur.